Micro Needling

We have the Answer for Wrinkles, Sun Damage, Sun Spots, Acne Scars, Loose face or neck skin, Stretch marks and more!


(A natural alternative to a surgical facelift, Botox, fillers, chemical peels and laser treatments!)

Sound good? Interested? Let's talk about this wonderful treatment...

What is "Micro Needling"?

There is nothing more amazing than the skin's natural ability to heal itself. This concept of "micro skin needling" is based on this truth, that the skin repairs itself when it is damaged by a cut, scrap, burn or injury by removing the damaged skin and replacing it with fresh, new collagen, elastin and other skin structures.

Skin needling then provides for controlled injury stimulation by making thousands of tiny micro channels with the Rejuvapen tool, causing skin repairing to begin naturally. The skin is now prepped for the essential collagen boosting serums to penetrate deeply into the skin, resulting in smoother, tighter, and younger skin.

Beautiful results are often seen with 1 to 4 treatments! 4 treatments are recommended for optimum results.

Does it hurt?

Little to NO discomfort is what we’ve experienced. We cleanse the skin and then apply a topical numbing crème to the area to be treated. When the skin is numb, we cleanse it again and apply essential, top quality skin serums that boost the collagen, fibroblasts and plasma producing structures.

My personal experience was I felt no discomfort at all but in areas where extra abrasion was needed, the sensation was like a very light sandpaper swiping.

What areas and issues can be treated?

Facial wrinkles and creases such as: Forehead, glabella (lines in the skin between the brows and above the nose), under eyes, cheeks, sides of face and chin, nasal labial folds (smile or laughter lines), Marionette lines (the deep, age related wrinkles at the angle of the nose, corners of the lips and chin). The neck and the décolleté (chest). Acne scars, chicken pox scars and stretch marks.

What can I expect recovery to be like?

You will experience some erythema (redness) to the treated area but it will subside by the next day or two. It will feel like moderate sunburn for 1-4 days. However, the great thing is that you can wear mineral makeup in 2 days after the treatment! No one will know you had anything done!

Slight itchiness and some flaking may be experienced, as this is typical of the natural healing process. Light scabbing may result in small areas that may need extra abrasion and this will heal in 4-10 days.

What is the aftercare process?

We will be applying soothing serums to your treated areas and massaging them in to help in the healing process. You may purchase an aftercare kit that is specifically formulated for the micro needling treatments with an excellent cleanser, boosting serum and sun shield, which will all give optimum results.

You must protect your treatment areas with a good sun shield as it is healing and after as well, since your skin will be producing beautiful new skin that is healthy. Protect your investment and keep it youthful looking by using a sun shield daily.

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Rejuvapen tool

Micro Needling Before and After Photos

Micro Needling Before and After Photos - Lips

Micro Needling Before and After Photos - Eyes and Lips

Micro Needling Before and After Photos - Acne Scara

Micro Needling Before and After Photos - Marionette Lines